Company Overview
![Headquarters appearance](
- Company name
Hashimoto Sogyo Holdings Ltd.
- Establishment
March 15, 1938
- Capital stock
542 million yen
- President and Representative Director
Masaaki Hashimoto
- Headquarters
14-7 Nihonbashi Kodenmacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
- Fiscal Year End
- Stock market name
Tokyo Stock Exchange, the Prime Market 7570
- Listing date
November 10, 1997
- Business description
- Sales, manufacturing, and processing of plumbing equipment, housing equipment, and other products
- Sales, development, administration, and maintenance of office computer products and software
- Worker dispatch business
- Consulting business for business operations
- Planning and instruction for the certification of various qualifications
- Leasing and administration of real estate
- Travel business
- Business related to medical care
- Business related to sports
Board of Directors
- President and Representative Director
Masaaki Hashimoto
- Executive Vice President and
Representative Director -
Teiichi Sakata
- Director and Managing Executive Officer
Hiroyuki Tadokoro
- Director and Managing Executive Officer
Kotaro Ito
- Director and Managing Executive Officer
Shuichi Sayama
- Director and Managing Executive Officer
Jun-ichiro Kuramoto
- Director and Managing Executive Officer
Chihei Sasaki
- Outside Director
Akira Uno
- Outside Director
Kazuo Matsunaga
- Outside Director
Shigenobu Aikyo
- Outside Director
Yuka Yoshida
- Outside Director
Makio Miyagawa
- Outside Director
Yutaka Miyauchi
- Corporate Auditor (full-time)
Kazuo Hashimoto
- Outside Corporate Auditor (part-time)
Naka Nakamura
- Outside Corporate Auditor (part-time)
Yutaka Azuma
- Outside Corporate Auditor (part-time)
Atsuhiko Inoue
- Executive Officer
Yoshiro Hashigaya
- Executive Officer
Katsuo Hirai
- Executive Officer
Hiroki Shoji
- Executive Officer
Koichi Wada
Organization chart
![Organization chart](